
Witryna Wiejska is where socially and economically engaged residents of rural areas get their information and inspiration from.


Witryna Wiejska offers a variety of news, opinions, stories and information for rural communities that are brought to you in five thematic sections.


POLSKA LOKALNIE (Poland locally). Get inspired by social endeavors of many people like you and see what your neighbors are up to.


WYDARZENIA I FUNDUSZE (Events and funding). Everything you need to know about upcoming events and funding opportunities you don’t want to miss.


PORADNIKI (Guides). Brow through our collection of guides for socially engaged people or ask our experts for advice.


WIEDZA (Knowledge). Check out latest reports and studies, listen to a podcast and explore our other pages to get plenty of background knowledge on a topic of your interest.


PUBLICYSTYKA (Editorials). Opinions, comments and thoughts to help you develop opinion of your own.


Witryna Wiejska is managed by Fundacja Wspomagania Wsi (Rural Development Foundation) team.


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